As convenient and life-changing as implant-retained dentures are, you may find it hard to wait for your mouth to heal after surgery before receiving your false teeth. Luckily, Dr. Hasan Yap, our experienced prosthodontist, is here to offer you a faster solution that will let you enjoy a complete, strong smile again – and much sooner than you would with a traditional approach! Please contact Island City Dental today to learn more about Teeth in a Day at Wilton Manors.
At our practice, the Teeth in a Day procedure is also known as All-on-5. As you can probably gather from the name, all of the teeth in an arch rest on just 5 dental implants. The implants are carefully placed in optimal positions; the ones near the back are especially long and are angulated so that they can bond with the densest areas of the bone. After the implants are securely anchored to your mouth, abutments will be attached before your permanent dentures are fastened onto the posts. This way, there is no need to go months without your teeth.
A Teeth in a Day procedure is meant for patients with extensive tooth loss. You should consider it if you have lost all of your teeth or are expecting to have them extracted soon. This procedure is more likely to be successful if it’s done as soon as possible after the teeth are gone. One benefit of the procedure is that the implants are placed in a way that maximizes the amount of bone they have to join with, so even patients who have suffered from some amount of bone loss may be able to have the procedure done without needing a bone graft.